Monday, June 8, 2009

New Pilates Mat Classes

New Introduction to Pilates classes begin July 6th.  If you'd like you can Try Before You Buy.  Come to a free class  during the week of 6/22-6/27.  Click here to see the schedule.

New Reformer Classes

We are going to start new reformer classes.  If you would like to try the reformer, take a 6-week intro to Reformer class.  Call us at 508-754-3327 and let us know you are interested.  We'll put together a variety of class times for you to choose from.


Balance, a powerful word.  Something to aspire to.  We all need balance in our lives, but what is it?  Is it a combination of physical and spiritual fitness, professional success, great family life and fulfilling personal relationships?  Is it different for each of us?  Does it have a dynamic quality, that may have different aspects at different times?  At BodyMind Balance, we strive to integrate our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual experience through a particular discipline, Pilates.  What we do is part of creating balance in our lives.  I'd love to know what you think about this.  Let me know.