Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lifestyle-Diet & Nutrition

Oh Boy! Here we go again tis the season to pack on the pounds. Fat loaded yummy carbs, holiday happiness and stress built on family, parties, crazy schedules, eating whatever we can get our hands on and opting to clean under the couch for the in-laws rather than go workout. YIKES! Better hide the scale and pull out the fat clothes from the back o the closet.

So here are some tips to help you get through the holidays.

· Treat your holiday celebration almost like any other day.

· Remember to divide your plate into 3rds: veggies, lean protein and starches.

· Lose the starch if you plan on indulging in your favorite desert and limit that to a small portion.

· Begin your holiday meal with a large glass of water

No need to deprive yourself, just remember that calories in should at least equal calories out. So get your happy holiday butt into the studio for a work out before we mistake you for Santa Clause!

And By The Way pull out the scale studies show that people who weigh themselves more often tend to weigh less and make smarter choices about what they are putting in their mouths.



The Party’s Over - Boot Camp

Happy Holidays and Let the Eating Begin! There are many reasons we all exercise but at the top of the list, for many of us, is taking off and keeping off those extra pounds that come with the holidays and the other extra pounds that come from everyday life.

My fantasy is to be 25 forever, look like Angelina Jolie, have Donald Trump’s bank account and Einstein’s intellect. Hmm, not too likely you say! Ok, so I will have to settle for the things that I can change and be happy with that.

Hello chicks (& you few brave men) we are nearing another New Year. And with the thought of the Holidays packed with family, fun, and drinking eggnog while singing carols around the piano is the fantasy, we all realize that the reality lies with in-laws, endless shopping, wrapping, cooking, stress and those added extra pounds that we already know getting rid of will top our New Years resolutions lists! So with that extra stressed out party fat in mind we decided to offer holiday fat blasting “the party’s over” boot camps every weekend all month long in January.

So if you want to get back on track and not only lose weight, but get in the best shape of your life, kick off the New Year with January BodyMind Balance Boot Camp! Follow this link to the Boot Camp Schedule

Happy Holidays,


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cirque Du Soleil

We love Cirque Du Soleil. -Mind-boggling acrobatics, fantastic showmanship, incredible costumes, their shows are fun for everyone. This week Cirque Du Soleil came to Worcester. Last week we got call from them asking us to do a Pilates program for them when they got to town. We had a chance to go to the DCU Center this week and do a bit of training for them. One thing that is great about Pilates is that it is useful for a wide range of people including elite atheletes, like the Cirque Du Soleil performers. We used Stott Pilates exercises to help them improve alignment, engage muscles with more balance and efficiency and reduce the likelihood of pain and injury from overuse.

Hope you get a chance to see them at the DCU Center while they are in town and maybe you should do Pilates like Cirque Du Soleil!