Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lifestyle-Diet & Nutrition

Oh Boy! Here we go again tis the season to pack on the pounds. Fat loaded yummy carbs, holiday happiness and stress built on family, parties, crazy schedules, eating whatever we can get our hands on and opting to clean under the couch for the in-laws rather than go workout. YIKES! Better hide the scale and pull out the fat clothes from the back o the closet.

So here are some tips to help you get through the holidays.

· Treat your holiday celebration almost like any other day.

· Remember to divide your plate into 3rds: veggies, lean protein and starches.

· Lose the starch if you plan on indulging in your favorite desert and limit that to a small portion.

· Begin your holiday meal with a large glass of water

No need to deprive yourself, just remember that calories in should at least equal calories out. So get your happy holiday butt into the studio for a work out before we mistake you for Santa Clause!

And By The Way pull out the scale studies show that people who weigh themselves more often tend to weigh less and make smarter choices about what they are putting in their mouths.



The Party’s Over - Boot Camp

Happy Holidays and Let the Eating Begin! There are many reasons we all exercise but at the top of the list, for many of us, is taking off and keeping off those extra pounds that come with the holidays and the other extra pounds that come from everyday life.

My fantasy is to be 25 forever, look like Angelina Jolie, have Donald Trump’s bank account and Einstein’s intellect. Hmm, not too likely you say! Ok, so I will have to settle for the things that I can change and be happy with that.

Hello chicks (& you few brave men) we are nearing another New Year. And with the thought of the Holidays packed with family, fun, and drinking eggnog while singing carols around the piano is the fantasy, we all realize that the reality lies with in-laws, endless shopping, wrapping, cooking, stress and those added extra pounds that we already know getting rid of will top our New Years resolutions lists! So with that extra stressed out party fat in mind we decided to offer holiday fat blasting “the party’s over” boot camps every weekend all month long in January.

So if you want to get back on track and not only lose weight, but get in the best shape of your life, kick off the New Year with January BodyMind Balance Boot Camp! Follow this link to the Boot Camp Schedule

Happy Holidays,


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cirque Du Soleil

We love Cirque Du Soleil. -Mind-boggling acrobatics, fantastic showmanship, incredible costumes, their shows are fun for everyone. This week Cirque Du Soleil came to Worcester. Last week we got call from them asking us to do a Pilates program for them when they got to town. We had a chance to go to the DCU Center this week and do a bit of training for them. One thing that is great about Pilates is that it is useful for a wide range of people including elite atheletes, like the Cirque Du Soleil performers. We used Stott Pilates exercises to help them improve alignment, engage muscles with more balance and efficiency and reduce the likelihood of pain and injury from overuse.

Hope you get a chance to see them at the DCU Center while they are in town and maybe you should do Pilates like Cirque Du Soleil!

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Holidays are Coming -- Are you Ready?

Now is the time to come to our Calorie Burning Intensive Conditioning Program. This fast moving program combines Pilates, light weight training, TRX, and cardio. It’ll get you ready and keep you in shape over the holidays.
Come up to 3x per week.
Mondays 9:30 a.m.
Wednesdays 9:30 a.m.
Fridays 10:00 a.m.
Call today 508-754-3327 to sign up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

TRX Suspension Training Classes Underway

We offered free Introductory classes for TRX last week. It was great to see clients coming to try it out and new people coming to the studio for this fantastic workout experience.

If you missed the free intros, don't worry we're scheduling more free classes for November. We have just started TRX BASIC TRAINING classes. You can get going with this 4-week program now. Choose your day and time and come for 4-weeks to learn the exercises, experience great workouts and get ready for more challenging programs to come! Check out the TRX Page on our Website

Friday, August 28, 2009

TRX Suspension Training

Last weekend Senior Instructor Ray Douglass and I went to Marblehead to take the TRX Suspension Group Training Program. We have been experimenting with suspension training at the studio for some time and believe it compliments Pilates. Suspension training uses your bodyweight as resistance and offers tremendous versatility for functional exercise, low to high intensity and application to all kinds of sports and physical activities. In addition it offers great options for strength and cardio workouts.

We had a blast at the training. About 20 fitness professionals from New England participated. We learned exercise technique and workout systems and we are really excited to bring them to the Studio. Ray finished two incredible workouts that left her dripping. She loved it! As Ray said "If you want a butt kick'n core strengthen'n body sculpt'n cardio blast'n hour of wicked wild fly'n fun you've got to try TRX at BMB." Might be the new program description right there.

Check out the video.

Fitness Anywhere Video

Our equipment will be coming in September and were lining up the schedule with free introductory classes and regular Body Blast and Circuit programs. We'll keep you informed about the schedule as it develops.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bodymind Balance Receives 2009 Best of Worcester Award

WASHINGTON D.C., June 8, 2009 -- Bodymind Balance has been selected for the 2009 Best of Worcester Award in the Physical Fitness Clubs With Training category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).

The USCA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2009 USCA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fall Schedule Available

We just published the fall schedule. You can check out the mat and equipment classes and workshops online by following this link bmb schedule

You Go Girl

On Thursday Aug. 6th BMB hosted the "You Go Girl!" group being run by Teresa Iapalucci (of BMB & Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services) and Kristyn Perron (intern at Assumption College). YGG is summer program being sponsored by Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services for girls 11-14 years old. The goal of the program is present positive female role models to the girls and provide activities that foster positive self-esteem, body image and an appreciation for healthy and vibrant living. The group also emphasizes the importance of relationships and social skills as well as community service.

Appreciating and sharing the program goals of YGG, Senior Instructors, Cynthia Jacobson and Ray Douglass volunteered their time. Together Cynthia, Ray and Teresa had fun introducing the girls to the benefits of Pilates. The girls had the opportunity to do Pilates in the park! they enjoyed fresh air and sunshine while learning mat exercises at Institute Park. After that it was back to the studio where the girls tried out the all sorts of Pilates equipment. The girls were especially intrigued by the Pilates Reformer and other large equipment having never seen this kind of "machine" in a gym.

The girls learned how pilates can lead to better health and sports performance, increased self confidence and injury prevention. It was an inspiring experience for us all!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Aging Well

Joseph Pilates once said that a person who is stiff and out of shape at 30 is old, while a person who is supple and strong at 60 is still young.
  • As we age things things we took for granted become more difficult -  lifting things, getting up or down from a seat or car, bending over, climbing stairs.  It is essential that we work to maintain strength and flexibility.
  • Between the ages of 30 and 80 we will lose up to 50% of our strength if we don't work to maintain it.
  • Exercise not only slows the aging process but improves our quality of life.
  • Pilates is particularly effective in this regard.  It is low impact, improves strength, posture,  flexibility, balance, and coordination.  Pilates is for "any-body." It can be done by anyone starting from any fitness level.  Regular Pilates exercise can help fend of cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, back pain and injury.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


BodyMind Balance is pleased to host the YOU GO GIRLS group from Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services on Thursday August 6, 2009. Teresa Iapalucci (Instructor at Body Mind Balance Studio + social worker at SYFS) is co-leading this 8-week activity-based group along with Kristyn Perron. The program goals are to provide a positive experience and positive role models for the girls in a social group setting. Each week this program focuses on a specific topic that can impact a girls life, including self-esteem, social relationships, bullying, female role models, media and pop culture influences on girls, body image, and leadership skills.
BodyMind Balance Sr. Instructors Cynthia Jacobson and Ray Douglass have volunteered to assist by teaching the girls how pilates helps to keep our minds and bodies healthy and balanced! At BodyMind Balance we support the underlying goals of YOU GO GIRLS: to help girls learn, in a fun way, that they can be and do anything they want in life and feel good about themselves; to value relationships and understand the importance of kindness and community service in creating a happy and fulfilling life; and to learn how to make healthy choices in all aspects of their lives - physically, socially, emotionally etc. which will help them to manage stress and support each other along this journey we call life.

Summer Too Cool So Far - Kick Up the Heat

Well, the summer may not be hot, but our Calorie Burning Strength and Conditioning program sure is.  Sr. Instructor Ray Douglass kicks up the heat 3-days a week with 90 minute workouts combining Pilates, Free Weights, Plyometrics, Aerobics, and Stretching.  

If your looking for a serious workout -  a great way to get in shape for the hot weather that is sure to come - try the Intensive Program.  you can come 1, 2 or 3 times a week.  Check out the schedule on our website  Then come on in for a great challenging workout.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Pilates Mat Classes

New Introduction to Pilates classes begin July 6th.  If you'd like you can Try Before You Buy.  Come to a free class  during the week of 6/22-6/27.  Click here to see the schedule.

New Reformer Classes

We are going to start new reformer classes.  If you would like to try the reformer, take a 6-week intro to Reformer class.  Call us at 508-754-3327 and let us know you are interested.  We'll put together a variety of class times for you to choose from.


Balance, a powerful word.  Something to aspire to.  We all need balance in our lives, but what is it?  Is it a combination of physical and spiritual fitness, professional success, great family life and fulfilling personal relationships?  Is it different for each of us?  Does it have a dynamic quality, that may have different aspects at different times?  At BodyMind Balance, we strive to integrate our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual experience through a particular discipline, Pilates.  What we do is part of creating balance in our lives.  I'd love to know what you think about this.  Let me know.