Monday, June 8, 2009


Balance, a powerful word.  Something to aspire to.  We all need balance in our lives, but what is it?  Is it a combination of physical and spiritual fitness, professional success, great family life and fulfilling personal relationships?  Is it different for each of us?  Does it have a dynamic quality, that may have different aspects at different times?  At BodyMind Balance, we strive to integrate our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual experience through a particular discipline, Pilates.  What we do is part of creating balance in our lives.  I'd love to know what you think about this.  Let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Balance is one of my most favorite concepts to think about! To me life is one great big HUGE balancing act. Balance is not a state of permanence, it is more like a gauge that gives you feedback on what needs to change and what needs to be sustained. When you are "in balance" you know it because there is a feeling of peace and clarity even if you have challenges or difficulty in life. There is strength in balance as well. Balance necessarily includes all aspects of our lives: physical, mental, social, spiriutal, vocational and financial. My belief is that how we live in each of these domains either contributes or detracts from overall balance, health and happiness in life. BodyMindBalance knows this and this is part of what makes our studio a truly special place to find balance.
